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Last 25 Story Reviews submitted
My Serena by Aria
Reviewed by WildCat - Wednesday August 29, 2018 at 01:41

I love reading this over and over again.
The Coffee Shop by zaizai
Reviewed by Sailor_Onyx - Saturday May 28, 2016 at 18:17

Short but I liked it. Having worked in a coffee shop myself, I can easily imagine this encounter and how awkward it would be. Well written.
endless by AmarylisCemetery
Reviewed by dayfreshie - Thursday December 17, 2015 at 00:18

All I can say is that was very beautiful. *tear!*
Rivalry After Dark by LadyAnaira
Reviewed by WildCat - Monday September 07, 2015 at 15:04

Wonderfully written. I wish that there were more fan fictions like this that show Mamoru's power.
The Runaway from Tokyo, Japan by RiotlovesJem
Reviewed by Loki - Monday August 03, 2015 at 15:17

I am impressed.

I love your style of writing, very good vocabulary, imagery I am particularly taken with your flare for originality; something very close to my own writing heart.

I think some small tweaks needed for dialogue tags, watch extraneous information there- (my BETA brain kicking in :D), but seriously, this is good, and though you've used some well trodden plot devices.

I love what you've done here and,again, wonderful debut! Keep up the good work!
The Dawn of Serenity by JessicaPendragon
Reviewed by Loki - Tuesday July 28, 2015 at 03:06

JP this is and shall remain one of the most imaginative and fabulous stories I've ever had the pleasure to read and work on with Araya so fun days!

AI has given so much, and you, me and many others have woven and shared our magic with our community, for the record, this is one of the best in the entire fandomn IMO

Love Stormy AKA Loki-chan XXX

Thank you for the great times reading, BETA'ing and just being so amaze! I need to catch up with you on some of your recent updates, life's been crazy hon, but I'm getting to it :DDD

I am still pottering with unfinished stuffies *winks*
Finding Love by CresentMoonGoddess
Reviewed by Anonymous - Wednesday July 22, 2015 at 05:08

Oh gosh! It is lovely to read this once again, and the new chapter I really did enjoy so much

Story's just warming up, looking forward to reading more of it hon

Loves Ordeal by LadyAnaira
Reviewed by WildCat - Wednesday February 04, 2015 at 02:28

I love this story, I can't wait for it to be updated.
Just Another Otaku by ClaidiWinter
Reviewed by Sailor_Onyx - Monday January 19, 2015 at 17:28

Ahh, cliffhanger! Over the course of the last five days, I've read this all the way through and despite a few grammatical errors, I really enjoyed it. I'll be looking out for the next update!
Just Another Otaku by ClaidiWinter
Reviewed by heaven85 - Tuesday January 06, 2015 at 07:33

Great job. Can't wait to find out more.
Just Another Otaku by ClaidiWinter
Reviewed by Loki - Saturday January 03, 2015 at 05:48

Oh I've hungered, wished and wanted to be in Sarah's shoes, but, what a twist! hahaha!

I was thrown into the story like I'd not left it since your last update. I must say it remans for me one of the most enchanting and fascinating stories I've read on AI and I've read plenty of good ones!

I cannot wait for more. Like you I will get back to my writing after a long break, so here's to plenty more from ou hon, thank you for the magic!!! XXX
Snapshots of the Royals by AngelMoonGirl
Reviewed by Loki - Saturday January 03, 2015 at 04:10

a very cute chapter hon I enjoyed it X
Just Another Otaku by ClaidiWinter
Reviewed by Uzume - Tuesday December 16, 2014 at 22:40

I love it! I can't wait to find out what happens next, I hope you update soon.
Just Another Otaku by ClaidiWinter
Reviewed by Uzume - Tuesday December 16, 2014 at 21:46

I just finished the first chapter, and I loved it! The banter between Sarah and Molly was really fun to read, and the story has me excited to find out what happens next, especially with the intriguing ending.
Chance Encounters by Aria
Reviewed by CassandraMalfoy - Saturday December 13, 2014 at 12:52

I have been looking for this story EVERYWHERE for years since I had first stumbled upon it back when I saw and read it on MoonChronicles.Net back in my early Sailor Moon fan fiction junior high school days. Happy to have gotten to read it again.
Snapshots of the Royals by AngelMoonGirl
Reviewed by Loki - Friday December 05, 2014 at 00:07

Aww! that was very cute, and funy, a very sweet comeback chapter Angel Moon Girl-chan!!! X
Rainy Day Man by Usagi_Carter
Reviewed by heaven85 - Saturday November 08, 2014 at 08:27

Very lovely story.
Chocolate Covered Fun by MarshAngel
Reviewed by heaven85 - Wednesday September 24, 2014 at 07:44

Lovely story.
Finding Love by CresentMoonGoddess
Reviewed by WildCat - Saturday August 16, 2014 at 16:49

I can't wait till the next chapter comes out. I'm sure as time goes along, Endymion will smarten up.
More Than Meets the Eye by elysia
Reviewed by heaven85 - Thursday August 07, 2014 at 05:18

It is a great story. Great work.
Finished, Over, Done by RebaJean
Reviewed by Yumecosmos - Saturday August 02, 2014 at 03:06

Ouch. Just... ouch. You had me thinking this was about Endymion's betrayal, which was painful enough. But then that last paragraph! That was like twisting the knife. (Ugh, bad choice of words?)
Short as it was, it packed a lot of punch. Bravo!
Finding Love by CresentMoonGoddess
Reviewed by Yumecosmos - Friday August 01, 2014 at 04:45

Whoa, that was sudden.
I couldn't help but snicker at Serenity's predicament after she sent the servants away. That "couldn't they do anything on their own?" line kind of came back to bite her. And then, to be stuck in that situation with him! It was a good setup and I enjoyed the way their flirtation played out with him "accidentally" brushing her back.
At first.
Buuuut I have to be honest, I'm having really mixed feelings about Endymion at this point. Serenity's clearly attracted to him in a way that she isn't attracted to Seiya, but... all his good looks and prowess don't excuse the blatant lack of respect he's shown her up to this point. To have touched her that way without her permission, after barging into her room uninvited, was pretty brazen, and then, when she asked him to stop, responding with what amounts to "you know you wanted it." Erm. Rape culture much?
I don't say this to bash you, the author. It's totally realistic that an entitled male in his time period would behave that way. Loving the story... just not the character so much. He's going to have a long way to go to redeem himself after that. One thing that gives me a little bit of hope is that it doesn't seem like he planned the whole thing. So maybe the gift of the dress was a sincere one? That, and the library, and the fact that Grandma Rose was willing to vouch for him, make me think he has the potential to be more than a self-centered chauvinist. On Serenity's side, she seems really confused about what she wants out of life in general, and the whole healer business is just going to complicate things further. But in spite of everything she's shown remarkable strength so far. I really like her, and right now I feel like she's too good for Endymion. :P
On a more positive note, it was fun to read your descriptions of her room and the castle. And Raye. I love your Raye so much.
Looks like you've posted a new chapter, so I've got some catching up to do! Off to chapter 5!
by AngelMoonGirl
Reviewed by vaunam - Friday May 16, 2014 at 12:52

Great start, can't wait for the next chapter!
Finding Love by CresentMoonGoddess
Reviewed by WildCat - Saturday March 08, 2014 at 17:52

I can't wait for the next chapter to be out, I'm soo hooked on this.
Broken Boundaries by k-chan
Reviewed by Loki - Tuesday February 11, 2014 at 14:30

just finished chapter 35 - K that was super awesome, will read the next soon and looking forward to updates in the not too distant future *winks* ^_^ Great work!
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